It is the desire of the PNHA to provide housing, as well as providing eligible housing related services as determined by NAHASDA for low income families in the Pawnee Community.
To qualify for services a person must be an enrolled member of the Pawnee Nation with a CDIB or any other enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe with a CDIB residing in the Pawnee Nation jurisdiction. Enrolled Pawnee tribal members shall be first priority according to the preference statement.
Due to a limited amount of funds each application shall be reviewed and approved according to the seriousness of the request. Those problems which are a threat to the health, safety and welfare of a family shall be priority. Approved applicants shall be eligible for services only one time per year.
All applicants must fill out a Request for Assistance application. Any person owing the PNHA will not be eligible for assistance.
The College Housing assistance Program is based on need. To be eligible, each student must be attending an accredited post-secondary institution and enrolled in a degree or certification program. All applicants must meet NAHASDA income guidelines. The College Housing Assistance Program will provide students with up to $350.00 per semester for housing, utility or school fee costs only.
Applicants must be a member of a federally recognized tribe. Priority will be given to Pawnee Nation tribal citizens whose are primary residence within the Pawnee Nation jurisdictional area and to students who were assisted the previous semester on the College Housing Assistance Program.
Other eligibility requirements may apply according to the College Housing Assistance Program policy.
CLICK HERE to fill out an application.
In support of the children who participate in extracurricular activities, the Pawnee Nation Housing Authority provides assistance with a gift card from NAHASDA grant funding for parents or guardians to help with purchasing needed equipment and/or related costs of those activities.
The Youth Assistance Program operates during the following months of the academic year: August to December & January to May. Each applicant may apply once per academic year.
Youth participants, 1st grade through 12th grade, must have membership with a federally recognized tribe, the family unit monthly income cannot exceed 80% of the NAHASDA income guidelines and must reside in the Pawnee Nation service area.
Allowable activities include but are not limited to the following:
*Football *Basketball *Track
*Wrestling *Softball *Baseball
*Soccer *Golf *Volleyball
*Dance Lessons *Gymnastics *Piano Lessons
*Singing Lessons *Other-With Director Approval
CLICK HERE to print the application.